The Benguet Electric Cooperative I.T. Infrastructure, together with its Automated Information Systems, are facets of the company that is most frequently benchmarked by fellow Electric Cooperatives all over the country. Most of the systems being utilized in BENECO are developed in-house by its team of Information Systems Associates, whilst the company’s Network Infrastructure, covering Wireless and Fiber Optic technology, were planned, installed and continuously being maintained by our Information Technology Associates.
As part of its CSR Program, BENECO provides assistance to fellow cooperatives and private companies in the light of providing insights, or even systems, to help improve other EC’s work efficiency through automation.
The most recent EC to undergo extensive training on BENECO’s Meter Reading, Billing and Collection System is Tawi-Tawi Electric Cooperative, Inc., better known as TAWELCO. This is the second batch of trainees sent by the cooperative. The first time was in March of 2019, prior to the pandemic.
BENECO has also been tapped by NEA as part of the Tasks Force in providing systems automation assistance to ECs such as ABRECO and ALECO.
4 South Drive
Baguio City 2600